Loose Lips is a monthly reading series hosted by Tod Caviness in the Orlando area. Readers read prose or poetry and the only requirement is that the piece has to be inspired by the given month’s news headlines. I had…
AWP 2017 Recap
This past February I had the honor of being on the panel, “Declaring Independence: Surviving Outside of Academia” at AWP 2017 in Washington, DC. My fellow panelists included, Angela Mitchell, Vanessa Blakeslee and Colette Sartor. We discussed what it takes to…
My Interview with Jenny Torres Sanchez
Hi, all! As some of you may know, I’m a contributing editor for Fantastic Floridas, an online lit journal by Burrow Press. I had the privilege of interviewing Jenny Torres Sanchez about writing YA and also her new book, Because of…
I’m In: New Member of The YA Chicks!
Hi, all! It’s official…I’m now a YA Chick! I’ve admired the original YA Chicks, Amy Christine Parker, Christina Farley and Vivi Barnes for quite some time. I’ve even had them come to Writer’s Atelier to do guest workshops. When they asked if I’d…
New Publication: In the Dark
Hi, all! It’s a fantastic thing when you start the year with a new publication credit. I am happy to report that my flash story, In the Dark, was published on January 1, 2017 with Ghost Parachute Literary Magazine. If…
Reading with Lauren Groff
Hi, all! I didn’t have a chance to post it (it has been a busy year!), but I had the honor of reading with the fabulous Lauren Groff, National Book Award finalist and author of Fates and Furies. I have…