So, the greatest thing happened to me a couple weeks ago! Ok, well not the greatest, but it’s definitely up there with my top moments. There I was checking my Facebook messages and deleting the ridiculous amount of “crap”…
Jennifer Weiner’s Reading Tip for Novelists
From time to time I like to check out various writers’ websites for the following reasons: 1. I want to see what they are up to (what they are working on now, what they’ve written) …
Opportunites in the Great Big Literary World!
Yes, it’s back. And yes, I have a good stuff to share! 1. Writer’s Digest One Sentence Story Contest I am thrilled about Writer’s Digest One Sentence Contest! Basically when you click the link it takes you to the contest page…
How Do You Handle Rejection?
Hi all! It has been quite some time! Unfortunately life gets in the way, and I haven’t been able to blog. BUT….I’m back in the game. I just thought I’d touch on the topic of rejection. I recently applied…
Opportunities in the Great Big Literary World
Hello All! I recently received an email from Writer’s Digest where the editor talked discussed how writers would ask her questions about their writing. One of the questions was, When should I start submitting my work? The answer was NOW!…
The Difference between “Lay”, “Lie”, and “Laid”
Confession time. Would you believe I have been avoiding the word “Lay” and it’s many forms. I have always had trouble with figuring out when it should be “lay”, “lie”, “lain”, “laying” or “lying.” What’s my solution to figuring it out, you…