Song of the Day: Beautiful People by Chris Brown feat. Benny Benassi
Hello all! Well, 2012 is finally here! Can you believe it? I always get excited about the new year because it’s a chance to start over or improve. I read several tweets and Facebook statuses this weekend where people stated that all the “new year, new me” statements were “BS.” I beg to differ. Yes, we should constantly be trying to improve ourselves, but if someone wants to acknowledge that they need a change at the end of the year, then let them have their moment. No one literally thinks that they can change over night. A “new me” simply means I’m going to work on things to change who I am. I think that confident people who know themselves sometimes have a hard time understanding that not everyone is happy with themselves. So, I say good for you if you can admit that you need to change and that you set out to create a new you in 2012!
Now that it’s a new year, it’s a fresh start for us writers to get our work out there. Have you sat down and planned where you’ll submit your work this month? Remember, even if you can submit your work just once a month it can make a huge difference. You never know who is going to like that short story or poem. Submit your work and use the rejections as a learning experience (I sure have) rather than take them personally. Maybe people will love your work and you’ll get very few rejections. You’ll never know if you don’t try. I have tons of opportunities today. Pick one, I dare you!
1. Switchback‘s Flash Fiction Contest
A prompt is provided each month and writers are encouraged to send poetry, fiction non-fiction and art in response to the theme. Submissions should be under 500 words. The January prompt is “No, that’s not funny.” Deadline is 5:00 pm on January 31, 2012.
2. Ruminate Magazine
Ruminate is thrilled to announce its second annual Ruminate Nonfiction Prize. The winning entry will receive $1,000 and publication in the spring 2012 issue. One runner-up will receive publication in the the Spring issue. Entry fee is $15 and the contest closes on February 1, 2012.
Calls for Submissions:
1. Hoot
A new literary magazine publishing prose and poetry on a postcard. Send your best fiction, non-fiction, memoir, poetry, and book reviews. Graphic fiction and non-fiction are accepted also, as long as they fit on a postcard. Submissions are $2 but they do offer payment for published pieces.
2. Magic Lantern Review
An online publication seeking poetry, critical cinema analysis and short digital films.
3. NAP
Currently accepting short fiction and short poetry.
4. Rufous Salon
Rufous Press is looking for submissions of poetry, short stories and flash fiction from American and Swedish writers for an anthology of contemporary writers. The deadline is January 30, 2012.!rufous-press
5. Versal
Versal is currently accepting submissions of poetry, prose and art that is urgent, involved and unexpected. Deadline for the current submission period is January 15, 2012.
As always, Black Fox Literary Magazine is accepting fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We are also looking for regular bloggers and book reviewers. If interested, email Issue #3 will be out this month! Happy Writing!