Hello all! I’m checking in today for Ready. Set. Write! My summer goals are posted here, if you missed my post last week. If you’d like to participate in Ready. Set. Write, you can find out more information on Jamie Morrow’s blog. Below are my answers for the check-in questions.
1. How I did on last week’s goals.
Mediocre. I read a lot (especially submissions wise) and exercised, but revisions could have been better.
2. My goals for this week:
- Identify ALL my scenes so I can address what needs to stay and what needs to be cut.
- Rewrite my first chapter.
- Read more Black Fox Literary Magazine submissions.
- Exercise at least 3 times.
3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.
I honestly didn’t revise as much as I wanted. And I’m really just identifying/analyzing scenes at the moment.
4. The biggest challenge(s) I faced this week.
TIME. Always time.
5. Something I love about my WIP.
My protagonist. Even when I get frustrated with the story, she keeps speaking to me. She won’t let me rest until I get her story right.
Even Times a wench sometimes… always hurrying off, never hanging around when there are things to do, but how she loves to loll and bask in the sun when we're stuck in line or in traffic….
Sounds like you have a fun protagonist. Wish mine were that talkative.
That's a good sign that your protagonist keeps you going. Revisions do drag at times, and here's to figuring it all out!
Finding time is hard but you can do it! Good luck rewriting and revising this week and glad your protagonist is still chatty!
You might not have revised as much as you wanted, but reading is definitely good! Good luck with this week, I hope you have more time than you're expecting.
Ugh. Time. It's so my enemy. Good luck on identifying your scenes. I'd like to know your process on how you figure that out.
I know what it's like to have characters speaking to you! With my current WIP, it's even stronger, since he was a real person, not just a figment of my imagination.
Protagonists that won't let you rest are the best kind. Hope you find more time to write this week and that meeting your goals will be a little easier! It's always so tough to squeeze everything in!
Thanks for stopping by and for the words of encouragement, all!