Hello all! I’m checking in today for Ready. Set. Write! My summer goals are posted here, if you missed my post a few weeks ago. If you’d like to participate in Ready. Set. Write, you can find out more information on Jamie Morrow’s blog. Below are my answers for the check-in questions.
1. How I did on last week’s goals.
I have almost fulfilled my goal for Black Fox submissions. I’m almost done reading submissions for the period and we’re on schedule for the next issue! Woot! Exercise wise, I only exercised once (I have to do better). Revisions: pretty much nothing, but I did hunker down this morning and currently I’ve analyzed 16 scenes.
- REVISION: Analyze more scenes/rewrite my first chapter.
- Finish up Black Fox Literary Magazine submissions and be ready for the launch!
- Exercise at least 3 times.
3. A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised.
Still identifying/analyzing scenes at the moment.
4. The biggest challenge(s) I faced this week.
Would I sound like a broken record if I said time? I’ve been out of town for over a week helping my sister move states, so it’s been tough trying to balance work, writing and life.
5. Something I love about my WIP.
This probably won’t change. Again: my protagonist. Even when I get frustrated with the story, she keeps speaking to me. She won’t let me rest until I get her story right.